Renewal of a DAB antenna in Herzberg/Elster

We are in lofty heights, a cool breeze rounds the mobile crane. The crane carries an important cargo, which conjures up the most diverse sounds from rock to pop and classical music for the ears of a large number of people day in and day out. It is the DAB antenna of the radio mast in Herzberg. The MAXIKraft Group was on duty for three days. This ensured that the installation of the new antenna went smoothly and that the audience gets musical entertainment from new frequencies.

Day 1: The site of the radio mast can only be reached through narrow alleys which are surrounded by meadows on the right and left. These must not be passed, which could have caused a space problem. The star of the project, the used LTM1300, did not let this problem arise in the first place. Thanks to its flexibility, it manages to position itself safely even in very limited space. But the next hurdle is not long in coming: directly after the crane tip has been attached, the LTM1300 has to be moved to avoid blocking the road.

The nearby B101 is closed, so the road on which the LTM1300 was positioned is used as a detour. But even this obstacle turns out to be an easy one for the MAXIKraft Group team.

Day 2: Already in the early morning hours the antenna base is mounted on the radio tower. For the LTM1300 it is an easy task with its 72-meter telescopic mast and 42-meter crane tip to lift the antenna base and transport it to the lofty heights. A technician waits on the tower to receive the antenna. The 6-meter-long antenna, which carries a proud weight of 0.7 tons, is mounted and attached to the radio mast directly at the base of the antenna. After the successful attachment of the antenna tip, a successful day comes to an end.

Day 3: The last day of the project is spent dismantling the LTM1300. As this is also successfully mastered, the project members of the MAXIKraft Group clap their hands. Another successful project has been completed, and the next one will not be long in coming.


Load case: Antenna

length: 6 meters
Weight: 0,7 tons


Crane type: LTM1300
Load capacity: up to 300 tons
Features: 72 meter telescopic mast

Crane tip
length: 42 meters
Load capacity: 36 tons